articleTttleImage KUROMON 黒門市場(en)
Kuromon Market
Kuromon Market (fresh meat and fish)

Kuromon Market, an arcade shopping street with a total length of about 580 meters, is lined with specialty food stores that support the culinary culture of Osaka, the “town of food”.


Fresh fish, eel, pufferfish, and soft-shelled turtles, as well as vegetables, fruits, meat, pickles, dried foods, and processed foods are all available. Additionally, you can find both Japanese sweets and Western sweets.

The tuna carving show at the tuna shop is very impressive, and always crowded not only with locals but also tourists.

Try some seafood while strolling around Kuromon Market. How about meat skewers, a fresh juice, or some matcha ice cream?


Try some seafood while strolling around Kuromon Market. How about meat skewers, a fresh juice, or some matcha ice cream?



The editorial department recommends Minami, a live fish specialty store well-loved for its fugu and fresh fish.

Founded in 1873, this longstanding establishment will cook up some fish for you right from the tank. Try some fresh, delicious seafood.


Iseya Honten, is a pickle and miso specialty store founded in the 30th year the Meiji era, where craftsmen handmake a large variety of pickles using traditional methods. The display of pickle barrels lined up in front looks very artistic. Traditional Osaka vegetables such as ”mizunasu” and ”senmaizuke” are particularly popular.



There is a “Kuromon Information Center” in the Kuromon Market, so you can stay well-informed with the latest news!

Restrooms with diaper changing sheets are available, so families with small children can feel at ease. In addition, temporary luggage storage is available for a small fee.


Enjoy the vibrancy of Kuromon Market, said to be “Osaka’s kitchen”.


Kuromon Market:

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